ZINC ROOFING: The raw material is melted, cast and wound onto a steel sleeve in a single continuous operation. The quality of this material is uniform and flawless. These coils are then used for further processing as a universal source material to produce high-quality roofing products, pre-fabricated parts for roofing applications and facade cladding including the necessary building profiles. UNICORE [VMZinc] was first used as building material in Paris, France in the 1800's, as part of Baron Hausmann's rebuilding program. Today 85% of all metal roofs in Paris utilize zinc. Unicore is the world's leading producer of architectural zinc has been business for over 160 years.
RHEINZINK is a trade name for titanium zinc, manufactured to DIN EN 988. Electrolytically refined zinc with a 99.995% degree of purity as defined by DIN EN 1179 serves as the basis for the alloy, which also includes small yet precise amounts of copper and titanium. The composition of the alloy is one of the factors determining the technological properties of the material – as well as the color of the RHEINZINK patina.